Friday, July 18, 2008

MEXIC08 Packing List


c Bible, journal and pen


c Water bottle (1) –for refilling with purified water

c Sun block (very important-everyone brings one) and bug spray

c Sunglasses

c Hat for working outside to keep the sun off your head

c Comfortable tennis shoes & socks for working in, also a pair of shoes that aren’t work shoes

c Flip flops or sandals for the pool

c Personal toiletries – shampoo, soap, toothbrush, feminine products, etc.

c Bedding for a twin size bed – Pillowcase, sheets, light blanket-bedding can be donated at end of week

c Towels & washcloth – at least 1 towel for showers and 1 for the pool

c Work clothes –clothes that don’t matter if they get ruined

c Regular clothes – Mostly shorts, capris & t-shirts, but you may want to include 1 pair of pants

c Swimsuit – One piece for girls

c Church Clothes – Girls: Skirt (finger length) or nice capris, Boys: Pants or khakis shorts, nice shirt

c Medicine – optional – aspirin, kaopectate, pepto bismol tablets, Tums, or any other prescribed medications (pack your prescription in your carry on).-THE TEAM WILL HAVE A FIRST AID KIT WITH ALL THIS AND MORE IN IT.

c Camera and film – your discretion

c Spending money - $50 to $100 – no traveler’s checks – small bills for the general store (Airport, souvenirs)

c Backpack for carrying sunscreen, towels, etc. while we’re there – this could be your carry-on bag

c Stuff to keep you occupied while traveling (playing cards, a book, journal, etc.)

c Pre-wrapped snack foods such as granola bars, peanut butter crackers, etc. (optional).

c Donation suitcase with donation backpack and pack of shirts

c iPods, cell phones (optional and at own risk) only time to really use would be on the plane and to fall asleep to at night. Other than that, these need to stay put away during the day. And I don’t think you want international cell phone charges on your bill! J

What not to bring

  1. short shorts – they must at least down to your mid-thigh
  2. tank tops
  3. spaghetti straps
  4. midriff shirts
  5. tight fitting clothes
  6. DVD players, laptops
  7. Anything else you have to think twice about!

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